For today's challenge, practice a mantra!
Why practice a mantra?
a number of research studies have found that mantra-based meditation practices can have a positive effect on mood and cognitive function.
(Mantra: A Powerful Way to Improve Your Well-Being, 2019)
Why does repeating a mantra create positive feelings?
Evidently it disrupts other thought patterns and changes the blood flow in your brain. Those changes in your blood flow can improve your memory, mood, anxiety and stress levels, sleep, quality of life, etc. It has even shown to bring improvements in patients with Alzheimer's!
How do you practice mantras?
Pick a phrase which you repeat multiple times a day. If you have music that goes along with it, you may find it even easier to repeat the phrase. In one study, patients saw results by repeating the phrases for 12 minutes per day.
Do you know what you should say? Really, you can say anything that has meaning for you. If you need inspiration, you can google whatever kind of mantra you are looking for and find something appropriate. I like the suggestions at HappierHuman. For example,
I choose to be happy.
What mantra will you practice to increase your wellbeing?

Mantra: A Powerful Way to Improve Your Well-Being. (2019). Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/living-forward/201906/mantra-powerful-way-improve-your-well-being
Drake, K. (2022, August 3). The 8 Best Mantras for Mental and Emotional Health. Psych Central; Psych Central. https://psychcentral.com/health/mantras-for-mental-health